We thought it would be fun to introduce many of our park users sporadically. We’re starting first with this gentleman named Randy. Randy has two dogs. They are both German shorthair dogs. The older one (Michelle) is six years old. The smaller one is six months old and his name is Barock 2. Randy brings his dogs to the park twice a day, 7 days a week.

Randy has been a very big help walking around and picking up feces that the owners hadn’t picked up after their own dogs. Randy enjoys exercise and going to garage sales shopping! Randy reports that he’s thankful that Lancaster Unleashed exists. Thankful that Cellino Plumbing, Heating & Cooling donated so much for the drainage, and Erie County helped by securing a grant and paying for the fence for Lancaster Unleashed. Randy had a lot of positive items he discussed. He feels the parking lot is ample. Randy, noted the restrooms are very close to the park. He’s very pleased with the shade trees in the park and is pleased with the socializing. Not only the socializing his dogs do but the socializing that the dog owners in the park do as well. Dog owners, according to Randy are a special breed and they’re a better breed!

When asked how we could improve the dog park, Randy felt we needed to lose the gravel as it is dusty. Overall he said coming to the dog park walking around cleaning up, and pitching in where his help is needed leaves him feeling helpful, and doing his part to help our park.. He feels this is a good way to unwind after a busy day. Thank you Randy for all you do. And by the way, Michelle is pretty special. Watch for her as she loves to smile!