Welcome To

7 AM – 9 PM: Summer
(Memorial Day – Labor Day)
7 AM – Dusk: Winter
(Labor Day – Memorial Day)
Wednesdays 7 AM – 1 PM
(Park maintenance)
March 15 – May 15
(Seasonal closure to protect turf)
Rules and regulations
- A limit of two (2) dogs per supervising adult within the Park.
- Children 12 years and under must be accompanied and closely supervised by an adult.
- Dogs that display aggression toward people or other dogs must be removed from the Park immediately.
- Dogs over six (6) months of age must be spayed or neutered.
- Dogs must be properly licensed, vaccinated, and wear a collar with ID.
- Dogs must be leashed and gates securely closed when entering or leaving the Park.
- Dogs must be off-leash while inside the Park.
- Owners must be in sight and verbal command of their dogs, with leash ready, at all times.
- Owners are responsible for picking up and disposing of dog waste in designated containers.
- Professional dog trainers may not use the Park to conduct business.
- The small dog area is for dogs 30 Ibs. or less; the large dog area is for dogs 31 Ibs. or more.
Alway Prohibited
- Alcohol, tobacco & glass containers
- Littering
- Dogs with a history of aggressive behavior
- Wheeled devices EXCEPT mobility aids
- Dogs under four (4) months of age
- Unattended dogs
- Food & treats of any kind
All users are hereby advised that the BARK PARK is an unsupervised recreational area of COMO LAKE PARK. Use of this facility is at your own risk and each owner is legally and financially responsible for any damage or injury caused by their dog(s). Users must abide by all rules and regulations governing the use of ERIE COUNTY PARKS and must comply with the directions of Parks Department personnel.
In an EMERGENCY, call 911 or your veterinarian
In a non-emergency, call the
Erie County Sheriff at (716) 858-2903
Lancaster Police at (716) 683-2800
For Park concerns call
The Erie County Department of Parks, Recreation & Forestry at (716) 858-8355